feedback phenomena

Terms from Artificial Intelligence: humans at the heart of algorithms

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Feedback is critical in many dynamical systems with complex interactiosn between different components. If the flows of informationor effect are all in one direction as a pipeline it is possible to consider each in turn as separate inout–output systems. Hwever, if there is any feedback, where there is a loop of influnces (e.g. A affects B affects C affects C), then the types of behaviour tat can emerge are mpre complex, as effectieby the futyre behaviour of a component is affected by its own past behaviour through the loop of effects. In in cases of negative feedback, where the feedback to a component (say A) pushes it in the opposte direction to its recent changes, will typically lead to a {[stable equilibrium}} or homeostasis. However, postuve feedback where small changes lead to feedbacjk pushing A in the sam edircetion of its change, well tend to lead to runaway behaviour with large swings or exponential growth. Systems are often designed using negative feedback using closed-loop control systems

Used in Chap. 7: page 104; Chap. 23: page 391

Also known as feedback effects